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Welcome to our documentation for developers. Here you’ll find everything you need to integrate your business to our messaging platform.

Here are the possible ways of integrating with us:

API HTTPS Allows sending and receiving messages and their statuses over HTTPS protocol, using GET or POST methods
API SMPP Standard protocol for SMS messages exchange, allows a permanent connection to be kept with our SMPP server, its use is encouraged for clients expecting traffic of over 5 million messages per month
API SFTP Protocol used for file transfer, its use is encouraged for mass delivery of messages (bulk). The files are tranfered by the client to our servers and are immediately processed
Websphere MQ Protocol used for transfer of messages between Webserver MQ servers, its use is encouraged for clients with traffic of over 30 million messages per month, specially financial institutions, which the company already has the system in place for internal messages. This integration option has setup and maintenance costs, fixed at R$50.000,00 and R$2.000,00 respectively

You can also visit our Web portal. There, your business is able to manage users, projects and configurations, send and receive messages, and obtain reports, without the need of any development of integration on your side


Key Terms

MT Mobile Terminated A message that has a user (device) as destination. That is, a message that was sent by your company to be delivered to a user (device)
Response Synchronous Wavy response The immediate answer of a request made to our API, where we let you know whether the message was accepted by our platform, or not
Callback Sent status The first delivery status that we return, where we let you know whether it was possible to deliver the message to the carrier, or not
DR or DLR Delivery Receipt The second delivery status we return, where we let you know whether it was possible to deliver the message to the device, or not. The carriers deliver this information to Wavy, and we relay it to the client. The time it takes for a DLR to be delivered varies, for example, if the device was turned off at the moment the MT was sent, and the user only turns it on two hours later, this DLR status will be delivered to the client two hours later.
Obs1: This confirmation of delivery on the device will only exist when the message was successfully delivered to the carrier, that is, only if the first status (Callback) was successful.
Obs2: It is very important to make it clear that sadly, some carriers like OI and Sercomtel do not have this functionality. Therefore, they do not give Wavy any information of the message being delivered to devices. The deliveries made to these carriers will only have information of delivery to the carrier (Callback).
MO Mobile Originated A message that has your business as destination, that is, messages that were sent by the user (device). MOs are used, for example, during question and answer flows via SMS, when a confirmation is necessary by the user.
LA Short Code Short number of 5 or 6 digits, used for delivering and receiving SMS messages. They possess anti-fraud and anti-spam rules and carriers only distribute and allow their usage by homologated integrators like Wavy

Message Flow

Simplified Flow - MT, Callback, DLR, e MO.

alt text


This API allows you to automatize both single and bulk message requests and the recovery of sent status through its endpoints. It uses HTTP protocol with TLS and accepts GET requests with query string parameters and POST requests with JSON parameters.


To send messages and get status through the API, it is necessary to authenticate using a combination of either username or email and and authentication token.

Field Details Data Type
UserName Your username or email String
AuthenticationToken Your authentication token. Get yours here String
Type Details
Administrator Administrator user of your company, it is used to create/edit/deactivate sub accounts and other users, can see reports of the whole company.
This user does not send messages, not through the portal or through the HTTPS API integration.
Regular Regular user used to send messages through the HTTPS API and portal. Can see reports specific to his sub account.
A user is always paired with a single sub account.
A sub account may contain multiple users.
Each sub account is a cost center in our platform, messages will be separated in financial reports by sub account, not by user.

Connection Details

APIs Single message /v1/send-sms
Bulk messages /v1/send-bulk-sms
Port 443 (https)
Protocol HTTPS (TLS encryption)
Authentication username + token


The standard of encoding is UTF-8, all message texts must follow this standard.

You can also escape special characters or use HTTP format.

You can see some encoding examples besides.

“messageText”:“A combinação foi perfeita :)”

You may escape special characters:

“messageText”:“A combina\u00e7\u00e3o foi perfeita :)”

Sending Messages (MT)

Sending with GET method - Individual

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["username"] = '<username>'
request["authenticationtoken"] = '<authenticationtoken>'
request["content-type"] = 'application/json'
request.body = "{\"destination\": \"5511900000000\" ,  \"messageText\": \"linha\\nquebrada\"}"

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body
import requests

url = ""

payload = "{\"destination\": \"5511900000000\" ,  \"messageText\": \"linha\\nquebrada\"}"
headers = {
    'username': "<username>",
    'authenticationtoken': "<authenticationtoken>",
    'content-type': "application/json"

response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers)

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'authenticationtoken: <authenticationtoken>' \
  -H 'username: <username>' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"destination": "5511900000000" , "messageText": "linha\nquebrada"}'


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => "",
  CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "{\"destination\": \"5511900000000\" ,  \"messageText\": \"linha\\nquebrada\"}",
    "authenticationtoken: <authenticationtoken>",
    "username: <username>",
    "content-type: application/json"

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
  echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
  echo $response;

public class SendSms {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String url = "";

        String userName = "<username>";
        String authenticationToken = "<authenticationtoken>";

        String body = "{\"destination\": \"5511900000000\" ,  \"messageText\": \"linha\\nquebrada\"}";

        String response = doPost(url, body, userName, authenticationToken);

    public static String doPost(String strUrl, String request, String userName, String authenticationToken) {
        HttpURLConnection conn = null;
        OutputStreamWriter wr = null;
        BufferedReader br = null;
        try {
            URL url = new URL(strUrl);

            conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();

            conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
            conn.setRequestProperty("UserName", userName);
            conn.setRequestProperty("AuthenticationToken", authenticationToken);

            // write the request
            wr = new OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream());

            // read the response
            br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));

            StringBuilder resp = new StringBuilder();
            String line;
            while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
            return resp.toString();

        } catch (IOException e) {
        } finally {
            try {
                if (wr != null) {
                if (br != null) {
                if (conn != null) {
            } catch (IOException e) {
        return null;

As response, you will receive a JSON informing the id that was generated for this message. (Response or Wavy’s synchronous response):


Using GET, you can make a message request sending all parameters in the query string.

Single Message GET Request URL


Using POST, you can make a message request sending all parameters in the body.

Single Message POST Request URL

POST - Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters

* Required Field

Field Details Type
destination* Phone to which the message will be sent to (including country code). E.g.: 5511900000000 String
messageText* Message text to be sent (max 1280 chars) String
correlationId A unique ID defined by you for matching with sent statuses (callback and DLR). This parameter is optional, and you can use the ID generated by Wavy for the same porpuse (max 64 chars). String
extraInfo Any information you want to add to the message (max 255 chars). String
timeWindow Messages will be sent only during the specified hours. E.g., configuring a time window of [11, 12, 18], the messages will be sent between 11:00 and 11:59, 12:00 and 12:59, and 18:00 and 18:59, this parameter must be added on the root of the JSON object Integer[]
expiresAt Messages will not be delivered after this date. Date format is Unix time . Obs: The fields expiresAt, expiresInMinutes and expiresDate are mutually exclusive (use only one of them) Long
expiresInMinutes Messages will expire after the time set in this field. Time starts to count as soon as the message request is received by Wavy. Obs: The fields expiresAt, expiresInMinutes and expiresDate are mutually exclusive (use only one of them) Long
expiresDate The message will not be sent after this date. Date format is yyyy-MM-dd’T'HH:mm:ss. Obs: The fields expiresAt, expiresInMinutes and expiresDate are mutually exclusive (use only one of them) String
scheduledAt Messages will not be delivered before this date. IMPORTANT! Its possible to schedule only a period superior to 30 minutos because scheduled mesasges are processed by a differentiated flow from non scheduled messages. Date format is Unix time . Obs: The fields scheduledAt, delayedInMinutes and scheduledDate are mutually exclusive (use only one of them) Long
delayedInMinutes Messages will only be sent after the time set on this field. Obs: The fields scheduledAt, delayedInMinutes and scheduledDate are mutually exclusive (use only one of them) Long
scheduledDate The message will not be sent before this date. Date format is yyyy-MM-dd’T'HH:mm:ss. Obs: The fields scheduledAt, delayedInMinutes and scheduledDate are mutually exclusive (use only one of them) String
timeZone Specifies the timezone to be used directly on the fields expiresDate, scheduledDate and timeWindow (that will be changed if dynamic timezones are chosen, e.g. Daylight Saving Time). If a timezone is not set on the request, it will use the the timezone of the user - if the user’s timezone is not set as well, it will use the timezone of that user’s country. Last case scenario, UTC timezone will be used. String
campaignAlias Identification of a previously created campaign. You can create a new campaign here String
flashSMS Set this option to true to send a message that pops-up on the user’s device. Boolean
flowId Bot flow identifier. The message text will come from the flow String
subAccount SubAccount reference. It can only be used by Administrators String
params Map of placeholders that will be replaced in the message. If one or more params are incorrect, the message will be marked as invalid, but the bulk will not be canceled. You must use a flowId to pass the parameters Map

Sending Messages with POST - Single and Bulk

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request =
request["username"] = '<username>'
request["authenticationtoken"] = '<authenticationtoken>'
request["content-type"] = 'application/json'
request.body = '{ "messages":[{ "destination":"5519999999999", "messageText":"First message" }, { "destination":"5519999999999" }, { "destination":"5519999999999" }], "defaultValues":{"messageText":"Default message" }}'

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body
import requests

url = ""

payload = '{ "messages":[{ "destination":"5519999999999", "messageText":"First message" }, { "destination":"5519999999999" }, { "destination":"5519999999999" }], "defaultValues":{"messageText":"Default message" }}'
headers = {
    'username': "<username>",
    'authenticationtoken': "<authenticationtoken>",
    'content-type': "application/json"

response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers)

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'authenticationtoken: <Token de autenticação>' \
  --header 'username:<Usuário Wavy Messaging>' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{ "messages":[{ "destination":"5519999999999", "messageText":"First message" }, { "destination":"5519999999999" }, { "destination":"5519999999999" }], "defaultValues":{"messageText":"Default message" }}'


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => "",
  CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "{ \"messages\":[{ \"destination\":\"5519999999999\", \"messageText\":\"First message\" }, { \"destination\":\"5519999999999\" }, { \"destination\":\"5519999999999\" }], \"defaultValues\":{\"messageText\":\"Default message\" }}",
    "authenticationtoken: <authenticationtoken>",
    "content-type: application/json",
    "username: <username>"

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
  echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
  echo $response;

public class SendSms {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String url = "";

        String userName = "<username>";
        String authenticationToken = "<authenticationtoken>";

        String body = "{ \"messages\":[{ \"destination\":\"5519999999999\", \"messageText\":\"First message\" }," +
                " { \"destination\":\"5519999999999\" }, { \"destination\":\"5519999999999\" }]," +
                " \"defaultValues\":{\"messageText\":\"Default message\" }}";

        String response = doPost(url, body, userName, authenticationToken);

    public static String doPost(String strUrl, String request, String userName, String authenticationToken) {
        HttpURLConnection conn = null;
        OutputStreamWriter wr = null;
        BufferedReader br = null;
        try {
            URL url = new URL(strUrl);

            conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();

            conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
            conn.setRequestProperty("UserName", userName);
            conn.setRequestProperty("AuthenticationToken", authenticationToken);

            // write the request
            wr = new OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream());

            // read the response
            br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));

            StringBuilder resp = new StringBuilder();
            String line;
            while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
            return resp.toString();

        } catch (IOException e) {
        } finally {
            try {
                if (wr != null) {
                if (br != null) {
                if (conn != null) {
            } catch (IOException e) {
        return null;

As response, you will receive a JSON object with the UUID of the bulk and its individual messages:

    "id": "592e6940-31cd-11e7-9369-8e79624807c4",
    "messages": [{
        "id": "592e6941-31cd-11e7-9369-8e79624807c4"
    }, {
        "id": "592e6942-31cd-11e7-9369-8e79624807c4"
    }, {
        "id": "592e6943-31cd-11e7-9369-8e79624807c4"

Allows sending messages, both single and bulk, passing parameters in a JSON object

HTTP Request using POST

JSON example for sending bulk messages

Example 1:

      "messageText":"First message"
    "messageText":"Default message"

Example 2:

      "messageText":"First message"
  "scheduledDate": "2017-01-28T02:30:43",
  "timeWindow": [12, 15, 20],
    "messageText":"Default message"

Example 3:

    "messageText":"Default message",

Example 4, with flowId and params:

      "params": {
        "param1": "other_value1",
        "param2": "other_value2"
    "params": {
      "param1": "value1",
      "param2": "value2"
  "flowId": "14f8142d-e731-4971-8220-5a76a12c413f"

Observe that in the examples above, some of the messages do not have a “messageText”. In these cases, the message text will be the “messageText” field inside “defaultValues”. This feature is useful when it is necessary to send the same message to many different numbers.

POST Content-Type: application/json

The request body must contain the JSON object according to the fields below:

* Required Field

Field Details Type
destination* Phone to which the message will be sent to (including country code). E.g.: 5511900000000 String
messageText* Message text to be sent (max 1280 chars). String
correlationId A unique ID defined by you for matching with sent statuses (callback and DLR). This parameter is optional, and you can use the ID generated by Wavy for the same porpuse (max 64 chars). String
extraInfo Any information you want to add to the message (max 255 chars). String
timeWindow Messages will be sent only during the specified hours. E.g., configuring a time window of [11, 12, 18], the messages will be sent between 11:00 and 11:59, 12:00 and 12:59, and 18:00 and 18:59 Integer[]
expiresAt Messages will not be delivered after this date. Date format is Unix time . Obs: The fields expiresAt, expiresInMinutes and expiresDate are mutually exclusive (use only one of them) Long
expiresInMinutes Messages will expire after the time set in this field. Time starts to count as soon as the message request is received by Wavy. Obs: The fields expiresAt, expiresInMinutes and expiresDate are mutually exclusive (use only one of them) Long
expiresDate The message will not be sent after this date. Date format is yyyy-MM-dd’T'HH:mm:ss. Obs: The fields expiresAt, expiresInMinutes and expiresDate are mutually exclusive (use only one of them) String
scheduledAt Messages will not be delivered before this date. Date format is Unix time . Obs: The fields scheduledAt, delayedInMinutes and scheduledDate are mutually exclusive (use only one of them) Long
delayedInMinutes Messages will only be sent after the time set on this field. Obs: The fields scheduledAt, delayedInMinutes and scheduledDate are mutually exclusive (use only one of them) Long
scheduledDate The message will not be sent before this date. Date format is yyyy-MM-dd’T'HH:mm:ss. Obs: The fields scheduledAt, delayedInMinutes and scheduledDate are mutually exclusive (use only one of them) String
timeZone Specifies the timezone to be used directly on the fields expiresDate, scheduledDate and timeWindow (that will be changed if dynamic timezones are chosen, e.g. Daylight Saving Time). If a timezone is not set on the request, it will use the the timezone of the user - if the user’s timezone is not set as well, it will use the timezone of that user’s country. Last case scenario, UTC timezone will be used. String
campaignAlias Identification of a previously created campaign. You can create a new campaign here String
flashSMS Sett this option to true to send a message that pops-up on the user’s device. Boolean
flowId Bot flow identifier. The message text will come from the flow String
subAccount SubAccount reference. It can only be used by Administrators String
params Map of placeholders that will be replaced in the message. If one or more params are incorrect, the message will be marked as invalid, but the bulk will not be canceled. You must use a flowId to pass the parameters Map

Bulk message response

The response of a bulk message request will have a JSON object with the required tracking information. A unique ID will be generated for the bulk as well as for every message. Messages that were sent with a correlationId will have it listed as well.

Field Details Type
id UUID generated for this bulk String
messages This field is an array with the responses of every single message request of the bulk. It contais the id and correlationId of every message sent. SingleSMSResponse[]

HTTP Status Code Response

Status Code of HTTP response common:

Group Description
2xx Success
4xx Client Error
5xx Server Error
Code Description
200 Success
400 Bad request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not found
500 Internal Server Error
503 Service Unavailable
504 Gateway Timeout

Sent Status (Callback and DLR)

There are two ways of obtaining the sent status of a message:

As soon as we send a message to the carrier, or as soon as the carrier informs us if it has delivered a message to a device, the information is relayed immediately to you.

The statuses are available for three days, and they can be retrieved using the UUID returned when Wavy accepts a message of your company or the correlation ID provided by you to identify the message.
The disadvantage of this option comparing with webhooks is that you may request information on messages that may not yet have been sent to the carrier or to the device, this way, a series of unnecessary requests can be made. E.g.: If a device is turned off when you send it a message, and only turned on two hours later, you may spend two hours making unnecessary requests with its ID. On the other hand, using status through webhook, the information will be delivered to you as soon as it is delivered to the device, without any empty requests.

Status through webhook (delivered to your webservice)

To configure the delivery of Callbacks and DRs (if you have doubts about the terms, check the area Important Terms) first you need to login to Wavy Messaging at the API configuration area, where using the form, you will be able to configure to which URLs our sent status (Callbacks) and delivered to the device status (DRs) should be delivered to.

It may take up to 10 minutes for the information of the webhook configuration to take effect. After it has, we will call your URLs when the following actions happen:

Action Return status sent
After a message is delivered, or not, to the carrier. Message sent status API (callback)
When a message is delivered, or not, to a user’s device. Delivery report API (DRs)

JSON Message sent status example (callback - delivered to the carrier)

Content-Type: application/json


JSON response fields on Callbacks (sent status)

Fields Description
id UUID for messge reference
correlationId ID provided by you when you send the message
carrierId Carrier Identification
carrierName Carrier Name
destination Phone the message was delivered to
sentStatusCode Status code generated by Wavy for the message stating the sent status. Take a look at message status codes for more information
sentStatus Description of the sent status. Take a look at message status codes for more information
sentAt Time the message was sent, using Unix_time format
sentDate Date the message was set. Format: yyyy-MM-dd’T'HH:mm:ssZ
campaignId Campaign Identification if it exists
extraInfo Any other information added by the client during the act of sending the message

JSON response fields on Delivery Reports (DRs)

Field Description
id UUID for messge reference
correlationId ID provided by you when you send the message
carrierId Carrier Identification
carrierName Carrier Name
destination Phone the message was delivered to
sentStatusCode Status code generated by Wavy for the message stating the sent status. Take a look at message status codes for more information
sentStatus Description of the sent status. Take a look at message status codes for more information
sentAt Time the message was sent, using Unix_time format
sentDate Date the message was set. Format: yyyy-MM-dd’T'HH:mm:ssZ
deliveredStatusCode Status code generated by Wavy for the message stating the delivery status. Take a look at message status codes for more information
deliveredStatus Description of the delivery status. Take a look at message status codes for more information
deliveredAt Time of the delivery, using Unix_time format
deliveredDate Date of the delivery. Format: yyyy-MM-dd’T'HH:mm:ssZ
campaignId Campaign Identification if it exists
extraInfo Any other information added by the client during the act of sending the message

Message Status through HTTP requests

To get a list of the status not yet consulted, you can make a GET request to the URL below:


Look that this endpoint only returns the statuses that aren’t sent by this endpoint.


JSON fields:

Field Description
id UUID for messge reference
correlationId ID provided by you when you send the message
carrierId Carrier Identification
carrierName Carrier Name
destination Phone the message was delivered to
sentStatusCode Status code generated by Wavy for the message stating the sent status. Take a look at message status codes for more information
sentStatus Description of the sent status. Take a look at message status codes for more information
sentStatusAt Time the message was sent, using Unix_time format
sentStatusDate Date the message was set. Format: yyyy-MM-dd’T'HH:mm:ssZ
deliveredStatusCode Status code generated by Wavy for the message stating the delivery status. Take a look at message status codes for more information
deliveredStatus Description of the delivery status. Take a look at message status codes for more information
deliveredAt Time of the delivery, using Unix_time format
deliveredDate Date of the delivery. Format: yyyy-MM-dd’T'HH:mm:ssZ
campaignId Campaign Identification if it exists
extraInfo Any other information added by the client during the act of sending the message

JSON Delivery Report Exemple (DR ou DLR - Delivery to a Device)


User response (MO)

The MO API alllows automation of the process of retrieving the answers given by users to the messages you sent them. Every request uses the GET method and the responses are sent as JSON objects.

It is also possible to configure a webhook for the MOs to be delivered to as they are received. This is the most efficient way, because it makes it unnecessary to make any requests, only handle the messages as they arrive. For this configuration to be made, it is necessary to open a Ticket with our tech support team sending a request through our Service Center including the URL that should receive the MOs.

JSON example sent to your API (POST method)

     "id": "25950050-7362-11e6-be62-001b7843e7d4",
     "subAccount": "iFoodMarketing",
     "campaignAlias": "iFoodPromo",
     "carrierId": 1,
     "carrierName": "VIVO",
     "source": "5516981562820",
     "shortCode": "28128",
     "messageText": "Eu quero pizza",
     "receivedAt": 1473088405588,
     "receivedDate": "2016-09-05T12:13:25Z",
     "mt": {
       "id": "8be584fd-2554-439b-9ba9-aab507278992",
       "correlationId": "1876",
       "username": "iFoodCS",
       "email": ""

Each request made will return the MOs received during the last 5 days, up to a limit of 1,000 MOs. For previous times of larger quantities, please get in contact with our tech support team through our Service Center.

The behavior of the query List MO will be different for each authenticated user, according to his permission level.

We recommend the method of delivering the MOs to a webhook, every MO will be automatically delivered and can be immediately handled after it is received

Role Permission
Regular Each request made through the MO API will only return the MOs corresponding to the sub account that user belongs to. It is not possible for a regular user to retrieve the MOs of other sub accounts.
Administrator The default behavior for the Administrator user is to recover all MOs from all sub accounts. If an administrator user desires to retrieve the MOs of only one sub account, it is necessary to specify the sub account in the parameter subAccount with the id or reference of the sub account it wishes to recover MOs from.

Default MO response format

JSON response example (Wavy API request):

  "total": 1,
  "start": "2016-09-04T11:12:41Z",
  "end": "2016-09-08T11:17:39.113Z",
  "messages": [
      "id": "25950050-7362-11e6-be62-001b7843e7d4",
      "subAccount": "iFoodMarketing",
      "campaignAlias": "iFoodPromo",
      "carrierId": 1,
      "carrierName": "VIVO",
      "source": "5516981562820",
      "shortCode": "28128",
      "messageText": "Eu quero pizza",
      "receivedAt": 1473088405588,
      "receivedDate": "2016-09-05T12:13:25Z",
      "mt": {
        "id": "8be584fd-2554-439b-9ba9-aab507278992",
        "correlationId": "1876",
        "username": "iFoodCS",
        "email": ""
      "id": "d3afc42a-1fd9-49ff-8b8b-34299c070ef3",
      "subAccount": "iFoodMarketing",
      "campaignAlias": "iFoodPromo",
      "carrierId": 5,
      "carrierName": "TIM",
      "source": "5519987565020",
      "shortCode": "28128",
      "messageText": "Meu hamburguer está chegando?",
      "receivedAt": 1473088405588,
      "receivedDate": "2016-09-05T12:13:25Z",
      "mt": {
        "id": "302db832-3527-4e3c-b57b-6a481644d88b",
        "correlationId": "1893",
        "username": "iFoodCS",
        "email": ""

Both listing (list) and searching (search) requests return a JSON object with the following fields:

Field Details Type
total Total number of MOs returned by the request Integer
start The minimum limit of the query String
end The maximum limit of the query String
messages A list of the message objects List

Each message object has the following fields:

Field Details Type
id message id String
subAccount subconta responsible for sending the message that generated this MO String
carrierId Carrier ID Integer
carrierName Carrier Name String
source Phone number that sent the MO String
shortCode The shortcode of the message that generated this MO and to which the answer was sent String
messageText Text sent as answer String
receivedAt time message was received Long
receivedDate Date the message was received in UTC format String
campaignAlias Alias da campanha que originou a resposta String
mt MT that generated the message MT

MTs have the following fields

Field Details Type
id Id of the MT String
correlationId correlationID sent on the MT String
username Username of the user responsible of sending the MT String
email Email of the user responsible of sending the MT String

List MO request (list)

The listing request will return all MOs received since the last time this request was made according to the description above. Once this request is made, MOs will be consumed and will not be returned on following calls.

As a regular user, to recover all MOs of a sub account, use:


As an administrator user, to recover all MOs from ALL sub accounts, use:


As an administrator user, to recover the MOs of a specific sub account with reference “sub_account_reference”, use:


Send Message Status Codes (Callback and DLR)

Code Name Short Description Detailed Description
1 ROUTED_SUCCESS Routed Intermediate internal routing status. Messages are not persisted with this status, so we have no messages in reports with this status
2 SENT_SUCCESS Sent Message successfully sent to carrier or WhatsApp container.
3 CARRIER_ACCEPTED_SUCCESS Carrier Accepted Intermediate routing status on carrier. Messages are not persisted with this status, so we have no messages in reports with this status
4 DELIVERED_SUCCESS Delivered Message successfully delivered from carrier or WhatsApp container to recipient’s device.
101 EXPIRED Expired For SMS is the status for messages that expired before being sent to the carrier. For WhatsApp it is the TTL, it is the time that the message is waiting in the container/whatsapp to be delivered to the device.
102 CARRIER_COMMUNICATION_ERROR Carrier communication error Status indicating that we were having problems establishing communication with the operator or with the WhatsApp container and the message could not be sent.
103 REJECTED_BY_CARRIER Rejected by carrier Status indicating that the carrier or WhatsApp container rejected the message. It can be due to several reasons, such as a full queue at the operator, an invalid number for the operator, a WhatsApp template without the language or missing parameters. Or any other internal carrier or container error
104 NOT_DELIVERED Message not delivered Message successfully sent to carrier or WhatsApp container, but not delivered to user’s device. It could be because the user’s device is out of range; the number has been deactivated or blocked; for whatsapp it could be because the content (media) cannot be sent to the user or because the recipient cannot receive the message due to limits or spam.
201 NO_CREDIT No credit Credit check is done at time of shipping request. So we don’t have this status on persisted messages. I believe this status is only used in B2C for shortcodes that are billed, so the message can be declined if the user doesn’t have credit.
202 INVALID_DESTINATION_NUMBER Invalid destination number Recipient number is invalid and the message will not be sent to carrier or WhatsApp container
203 BLACKLISTED Destination in blocklist The customer has added the number to the blocklist and the message will not be sent to the carrier or WhatsApp container
204 DESTINATION_BLOCKED_BY_OPTOUT Destination in optOut The user sent the “exit” command and was added to the opt-out list. The message will not be sent.
206 INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTH Exceeded text size limit It is no longer used. Limit that existed for SMS from Mobile Marketing.
207 INVALID_MESSAGE_TEXT Message text is invalid Message text contains forbidden words.
209 INVALID_CONTENT Invalid message content Indicates that some message parameter is invalid or missing.
213 COUNTRY_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_CUSTOMER Destination country not allowed for the customer Status indicating that the customer is not allowed to ship to the recipient’s country. In practice, we don’t have any customers with this restriction, so we don’t have this status in the messages. We don’t have this status for WhatsApp.
214 INVALID_CUSTOMER_CONFIGURATION Invalid client configuration Status indicating that the customer settings could not be found, probably because the customer/sub_account has been disabled.
215 CUSTOMER_QUOTA_BLOCKED Client blocked by quota limit Status that indicates that the client has reached his quota (monthly/daily) for sending messages and therefore the message will not be sent.
216 MESSAGE_BLOCKED_BY_WARM_UP Message blocked by WarmUp feature Status for WhatsApp clients that are performing container warm-up. The message stays in this status when the container has already reached the allowed limit of messages for the current tier.
301 INTERNAL_ERROR Internal error Status indicating that there was some internal error on our platforms and the message could not be processed and sent.
401 MESSAGE_SPLIT Message split In our databases, we store the customer’s original message and the parts in case the SMS exceeds the size of 160 characters without accents or 70 characters with accents. The original message has the message_split status and the parts have the actual status of being sent to the carrier. But at the time of generating the reports, only the parts are computed and the original is discarded, so we don’t have this status in the reports.


All services provided by Wavy are required to be encrypted. The SMPP protocol does not possess native encryption. Because of that, we provide the two following alternatives for integration:

This is the recommended option. If your system does not possess this functionality, get help on the configuration of a TLS proxy HERE.

Beyond the TLS encryption, access will be authorized only for your server’s the public IP. (We accept multiple IPs and IP ranges) This information must be sent a request to our tech support in our Service Center.

If there is the need to allow outgoing traffic on your firewall, we recommend to allow any destination IP on port 2444. If this is not possible, you must include rules allowing the addresses below:


The encryption and access granting will be made through VPN

If you choose this option, configure the VPNs using the peers and hosts below, already with the phase 1 and 2 proposals you wish. Send the filled in VPN form of your company to our tech support in our Service Center.

hosts and
port 2443

hosts and
port 2443

Obs: For high availability and load balancing, it is required to establish the 2 VPNs above, and to use the domain address as destination in your SMPP client, instead of IPs.

Connection Details

Information Details
Hostname / IP Address
When you configure your SMPP system, it is required to use the domain as destination, instead of IPs.
This domain has 4 entrance proxies with round robin DNS and health check and multiple servers backend. Based on the volume of messages your business will send, we can increase the number o binds(connections) allowed simultaneously.
Port 2444 (SMPP over TLS) or 2443 (VPN)
SMPP Version 3.4
Bind Count The establishment of at least four binds is mandatory for high availability and load balancing. Minimum of 4.
Character Encoding GSM7 - Default (data_coding = 0) (GSM3.38 extended table is not supported by carriers.)
LATIN1 (data_coding = 1)
UCS2 (data_coding=8).
Atention: Check HERE details of characters and billing.
Flash SMS Supported
data_coding=0x10 for GSM7 and data_coding 0x18 for UCS2
When we receive a flashSMS from our customer, it will be sent to the carrier as flashSMS, if the carrier doesn’t accept flashSMS, it will be delivered as a regular SMS.
Enquire-link Minimum: 30 seconds / Maximum: 59 seconds.
Concatenation UDH 8-bit and 16-bit are supported / UDH Headers
Default addr_ton 1
Default addr_npi 1
window size 10
2way Supported
SMPP bind type Transceiver(Recommended). Binding transmit/receiver separately is also accepted.
SMPP system_type MovileSMSC
SMPP source addr (senderID) When your service needs user’s responses (MO), the source address must be equal to the system_id, that is, the name of the user. When there is no need of MOs, you may use anything on this field.
Max MO throughput 80 per bind
Max MT throughput 80 per bind
Server Timezone UTC
ID Format UUID
Default validity_period 24 hours

Send Message Status Codes (Callback and DLR)

Code Name Short Description Detailed Description
1 ROUTED_SUCCESS Routed Intermediate internal routing status. Messages are not persisted with this status, so we have no messages in reports with this status
2 SENT_SUCCESS Sent Message successfully sent to carrier or WhatsApp container.
3 CARRIER_ACCEPTED_SUCCESS Carrier Accepted Intermediate routing status on carrier. Messages are not persisted with this status, so we have no messages in reports with this status
4 DELIVERED_SUCCESS Delivered Message successfully delivered from carrier or WhatsApp container to recipient’s device.
101 EXPIRED Expired For SMS is the status for messages that expired before being sent to the carrier. For WhatsApp it is the TTL, it is the time that the message is waiting in the container/whatsapp to be delivered to the device.
102 CARRIER_COMMUNICATION_ERROR Carrier communication error Status indicating that we were having problems establishing communication with the operator or with the WhatsApp container and the message could not be sent.
103 REJECTED_BY_CARRIER Rejected by carrier Status indicating that the carrier or WhatsApp container rejected the message. It can be due to several reasons, such as a full queue at the operator, an invalid number for the operator, a WhatsApp template without the language or missing parameters. Or any other internal carrier or container error
104 NOT_DELIVERED Message not delivered Message successfully sent to carrier or WhatsApp container, but not delivered to user’s device. It could be because the user’s device is out of range; the number has been deactivated or blocked; for whatsapp it could be because the content (media) cannot be sent to the user or because the recipient cannot receive the message due to limits or spam.
201 NO_CREDIT No credit Credit check is done at time of shipping request. So we don’t have this status on persisted messages. I believe this status is only used in B2C for shortcodes that are billed, so the message can be declined if the user doesn’t have credit.
202 INVALID_DESTINATION_NUMBER Invalid destination number Recipient number is invalid and the message will not be sent to carrier or WhatsApp container
203 BLACKLISTED Destination in blocklist The customer has added the number to the blocklist and the message will not be sent to the carrier or WhatsApp container
204 DESTINATION_BLOCKED_BY_OPTOUT Destination in optOut The user sent the “exit” command and was added to the opt-out list. The message will not be sent.
206 INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTH Exceeded text size limit It is no longer used. Limit that existed for SMS from Mobile Marketing.
207 INVALID_MESSAGE_TEXT Message text is invalid Message text contains forbidden words.
209 INVALID_CONTENT Invalid message content Indicates that some message parameter is invalid or missing.
213 COUNTRY_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_CUSTOMER Destination country not allowed for the customer Status indicating that the customer is not allowed to ship to the recipient’s country. In practice, we don’t have any customers with this restriction, so we don’t have this status in the messages. We don’t have this status for WhatsApp.
214 INVALID_CUSTOMER_CONFIGURATION Invalid client configuration Status indicating that the customer settings could not be found, probably because the customer/sub_account has been disabled.
215 CUSTOMER_QUOTA_BLOCKED Client blocked by quota limit Status that indicates that the client has reached his quota (monthly/daily) for sending messages and therefore the message will not be sent.
216 MESSAGE_BLOCKED_BY_WARM_UP Message blocked by WarmUp feature Status for WhatsApp clients that are performing container warm-up. The message stays in this status when the container has already reached the allowed limit of messages for the current tier.
301 INTERNAL_ERROR Internal error Status indicating that there was some internal error on our platforms and the message could not be processed and sent.
401 MESSAGE_SPLIT Message split In our databases, we store the customer’s original message and the parts in case the SMS exceeds the size of 160 characters without accents or 70 characters with accents. The original message has the message_split status and the parts have the actual status of being sent to the carrier. But at the time of generating the reports, only the parts are computed and the original is discarded, so we don’t have this status in the reports.

TLS Proxy - Linux

The proxy is necessary if the connection is not made through a VPN. As previously stated, the SMPP proxy does not possess native TLS encryption, in this case we recommend the proxy below:


HAproxy Configuration

    #    local2.*                       /var/log/haproxy.log
    log local2

    chroot      /var/lib/haproxy
    pidfile     /var/run/
    ssl-server-verify       none
    maxconn     4000
    user        haproxy
    group       haproxy
    # turn on stats unix socket
    stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats

resolvers dns
    nameserver google
    hold valid 1s

    log                     global
    option                  redispatch
    retries                 3
    timeout http-request    10s
    timeout queue           1m
    timeout connect         10s
    timeout client          1m
    timeout server          1m
    timeout http-keep-alive 10s
    timeout check           10s
    maxconn                 3000

frontend movile
  bind *:2444
  mode tcp
  option tcplog
  use_backend movile

backend movile
    mode tcp
    server ssl resolvers dns check inter 15000

$ sudo yum install -y openssl-devel haproxy

$ sudo apt-get install -y openssl-devel haproxy

Important: Configure your system (SMPP client) to use as destination address

TLS Proxy - Windows

nginx configuration

worker_processes  2;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;

stream {
  resolver valid=1s;
  map $remote_addr $backend {
  server {
    listen 2444;
    proxy_pass $backend:2444;
    proxy_ssl  on;

It’s possible to use nginx as a proxy TLS on windows servers to encrypt SMPP data

Download the version below (its important to use this version because earlier versions resolve name on the first request only)

Extract the .zip file on the desired place and replace the content on the file conf/nginx.conf with these example configuration.


Connection Details

Port 2222
Protocol SFTP (transfer over ssh, providing client-server encryption)
Authentication username + password (supplied by our tech support)

Sending messages through SFTP

To send messages through SFTP, it is necessary to create a TXT file with formatting following the example below:

5511900000000;message 1;;
5519900000000;message 2;;
5521900000000;message 3;;

The file name to be sent must have the following format:


The sub accounts(projects) can be created by the client himself in our portal. If naming above is not followed, the messages will be sent using the clients default sub account


3486.20170101.01.txt or PROJECT1.20170101.01.txt

After creating the file, it must be sent to our sftp server on the upload directory. The file will be moved to the success directory after its processing is done. If some error happens, the file will be moved to the error directory.

Accents and special characters

Messages that contain only the characters on the table below are charged every 160 characters. If a message contains one or more characters that are not in the table below, the charging is done every 70 characters, according to the specification of the protocol in the carrier network.

Space ( 0 8 @ H P X ` h p x
! ) 1 9 A I Q Y a i q y
* 2 : B J R Z b j r z
# + 3 ; C K S { c k s ~
$ , 4 < D L T \ d l t
% - 5 = E M U } e m u
& . 6 > F N V ^ f n v
/ 7 ? G O W _ g o w


1 - Before using accents and special characters, you musk ask for permission with our tech support

2 - In cases where the destination carrier does not accept accents and special characters (Sercomtel), our platform does automatic character substitution for their closest not special counterparts, e.g.: á becomes a, and ç becomes c.

Large Texts (concatenation)

Even though the communication protocol used by the carriers has limits of 70 and 160 characters for messages with and without special characters respectively, it is possible to send large texts with the use of concatenation, where the messages are put together by the device when it receives them.

For clients integrated through HTTPS, SFTP or MQ, there is no additional parameter to be set in order to activate concatenation, just sending the whole large message at once is enough.

Clients integrated through SMPP must use the concatenation functionality with indicators on the header (UDH), LINK

It is important to note that even though the message will show up in the devices as a large, single message, the messages are still traveling on the carrier network individually, and in this case, we are still being charged on a per message basis, every 70 of 160 characters (depending on the caracteres used). Remember that when using concatenation some of the characters (70 or 160) are used by the header.

Observation: In cases then the carriers do not support the concatenation feature (Sercomtel), Wavy will send the messsage separately, with no concatenations and will automatically include numbering indicators on the message texts.


Beginning of text…. (½)

……end of text (2/2)

API Carrier Lookup

This API allows you to perform batch queries of numbers, returning the operator that these numbers belongs to and if it’s an invalid number (if a number does not belong to any operator so it is invalid). It uses the HTTP protocol with TLS, and the POST method with parameters in JSON. The query lets you know if a certain number belongs to the operator, but you can not verify if the number is active.


To send messages and get status through the API, it is necessary to authenticate using a combination of either username or email and authentication token.

Field Details Data Type
UserName Your username or email String
AuthenticationToken Your authentication token. Get yours here String

Connection Details

APIs Batch request /v1/carrier/lookup
Port 443 (https)
Protocolo HTTPS (TLS encryption)
Authentication username + token

HTTP POST request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'authenticationtoken: <authenticationtoken>' \
  --header 'username: <username>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "destinations": ["+55(19)997712322", "5519997712322", "2312312"]


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => "",
  CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "{\n\t\"destinations\": [\"+55(19)997712322\", \"5519997712322\", \"2312312\"]\n}",
    "Content-Type: application/json",
    "authenticationtoken: <authenticationtoken>",
    "username: <username>"

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
  echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
  echo $response;

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port)

request =
request["authenticationtoken"] = '<authenticationtoken>'
request["username"] = '<username>'
request["Content-Type"] = 'application/json'
request.body = "{\n\t\"destinations\": [\"+55(19)997712322\", \"5519997712322\", \"2312312\"]\n}"

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

import requests

url = ""

payload = "{\n\t\"destinations\": [\"+55(19)997712322\", \"5519997712322\", \"2312312\"]\n}"
headers = {
    'Content-Type': "application/json",
    'authenticationtoken': "<authenticationtoken>",
    'username': "<username>"

response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers)


POST Content-Type: application/json

To perform the query simply add in the body of the request a json with the array of numbers. The number format must contain the country code. Ex Brazil: 5519999999999

Request response

Resposta chamada em formato JSON

    "id": "aadb5130-7dd7-11e7-baac-a6aabe61edb5",
    "destinations": [
            "destination": "5519997712322",
            "active": true,
            "carrier": {
                "name": "VIVO",
                "countryCode": "BR"
            "destination": "5519997712322",
            "active": true,
            "carrier": {
                "name": "VIVO",
                "countryCode": "BR"
            "destination": "2312312",
            "active": false,
            "carrier": {
                "name": "UNKNOWN"

The last number in the example is an invalid number to demonstrate how the query returns the JSON in these cases.

The batch query response will contain a JSON file with the individual information about each queried number:

Campo Detalhes Tipo
id UUID for messge reference String
destinations This field is an array with the responses of the individual batch queries, contains the id and correlationId of each query number IndividualResponse[]
destination Searched telephone number Long
active status of the operator’s number (currently only check if the number belongs to the operator, not active / in use) Boolean
carrier Operator and country to which the consulted number belongs array[]
name Carrier name String
countryCode countryCode String

WhatsApp API

This documentation provides you with information for the integration with the ChatClub platform for sending and receiving messages through Sinch’s WhatsApp Integration, as well as information for receiving status notifications (CallBack - WebHook). The ChatClub platform allows sending WhatsApp single and bulk messages. The API has REST integration, using the HTTP protocol with TLS, supporting the POST method with parameters sent in JSON format.

User authentication

In order to successfully use our API, you are required to present a valid user name - or email - and the associated authentication token. While creating the request, you have to provide the following parameters on the headers:

Field Details Data Type
UserName Name or email valid for user identification on ChatClub. String
AuthenticationToken Authentication token generated by our platform. Find it here or consult the support. here String

Connection Details

Port 443 (https)
Protocol HTTPS (TLS encryption)
Authentication username + token
Encoding UTF-8

Send Messages

Sending Text Messages

Text request example

      "messageText":"test message"

Image request example (URL)

         "caption":"image description"

Image request example (Base64)


Audio request example (URL)


Audio request example (Base64)


Video request example (URL)

         "caption":"video description"

Video request example (Base64)


Document request example (URL)

         "caption":"pdf description"

Document request example (Base64)


Location request example

         "address":"Av. Cel. Silva Telles"

Contacts request example

                  "city":"Menlo Park",
                  "country":"United States",
                  "street":"1 Hacker Way",
                  "city":"Menlo Park",
                  "country":"United States",
                  "street":"200 Jefferson Dr",
               "formatted_name":"John Smith",
                  "phone":"+1 (940) 555-1234",
                  "phone":"+1 (650) 555-1234",

Allows messages to be sent through the WhatsApp platform to one or more recipients.


The request body of any request must contain a JSON object with the following fields:

Base JSON:

Field Required Details Type
destinations Yes List of recipients Destination[]
message Yes Text message that will be sent to the recipient list Message
flowId No Bot flow identification String
defaultExtraInfo No Additional data that identifies the submission will be linked to all recipients who will receive the message String
campaignAlias No Campaign ID, is linked to all sending messages String


Field Required Details Type
correlationId No Your defined id will be returned in a confirmation message (callback). This is useful in cases where you want to keep track of the sent message, since you can define different ids for different messages. String
destination Yes The phone number (country code — 55 for Brazil — and state must be present) to which the message will be sent. Examples:5519900001111, +5519900001111, +55(19) 900001111. String


Field Required Details Type
messageText Yes field used for in case you want to send a personalized message in response to a received message. text
image Yes Field used for in case you want to send an image content. Image
audio Yes Field used for in case you want to send an audio content. Audio
video Yes Field used for in case you want to send a video content. Video
document Yes Field used for in case you want to send a document file. Document
location Yes Field used for in case you want to send a location. Location
contacts Yes Field used for in case you want to send contact(s). Contact[]
previewFirstUrl No Control the app’s preview of first URL sent Boolean



Field Required Details Type
type Yes Type/extension of the image to be sent in the message. Available options: JPG, JPEG, PNG. String
caption No Text to be presented to the user under the image. String
url Yes URL where the content to be sent is hosted. String
data Yes Base64 encoded content String


Field Required Details Type
type Yes Type/extension of the audio to be sent in the message. Available options: AAC, MP4, AMR, MP3, OGG. String
url Yes URL where the content to be sent is hosted. String
data Yes Base64 encoded content String


Field Required Details Type
type Yes Type/extension of the video to be sent in the message. Available options: MP4, 3gpp. String
caption No Text to be presented to the user under the video. String
url Yes URL where the content to be sent is hosted. String
data Yes Base64 encoded content String


Field Required Details Type
type Yes Type/extension of the document to be sent in the message. Available options: PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX String
caption No Text to be presented to the user under the document. String
url Yes URL where the content to be sent is hosted. String
data Yes Base64 encoded content String


Field Required Details Type
geopoint Yes The place’s geopoint. The format should be: “latitude,longitude” String
address No Address of the location. String
name No Name of the location. String


Field Required Details Type
addresses No Full contact address(es). Address[]
birthday No Birthday date as YYYY-MM-DD formatted string. String
emails No Contact email address(es). Email[]
name No Full contact name. Name
org No Contact organization information. Org
phones No Contact phone number(s). Phone[]
urls No Contact URL(s). Url[]


Field Required Details Type
street No Street number and name. String
city No City name. String
state No State abbreviation. String
zip No ZIP code. String
country No Full country name. String
country_code No Two-letter country abbreviation. String
type No Standard Values: HOME, WORK. String


Field Required Details Type
email No Email address. String
type No Standard Values: HOME, WORK. String


Field Required Details Type
first_name No First name. String
last_name No Last name. String
middle_name No Middle name. String
name_suffix No Name suffix. String
name_prefix No Name prefix. String
formatted_name No Full name as it normally appears. String


Field Required Details Type
company No Name of the contact’s company. String
department No Name of the contact’s department. String
title No Contact’s business title. String


Field Required Details Type
phone No Formatted phone number. String
type No Standard Values: CELL, MAIN, IPHONE, HOME, WORK. String
wa_id No WhatsApp ID. String


Field Required Details Type
phone No Contact URL. String
type No Standard Values: HOME, WORK. String

Sending Template Messages

Template Request Example


Template with Buttons Example

    "destinations": [
        {"destination": "5519900001111"} 
    "message": {
        "template": {
            "namespace": "whatsapp:hsm:ecommerce:movile",
            "elementName": "chatclub_test_buttons",
            "languageCode": "pt_BR",
            "languagePolicy": "DETERMINISTIC",
            "header": {
                "image": {
                    "type": "JPG",
                    "url": ""
            "bodyParameters": [
            "buttons": [
                    "type": "QUICK_REPLY",
                    "replyPayload": "button-1-reply"
                    "type": "QUICK_REPLY",
                    "replyPayload": "button-2-reply"
                    "type": "QUICK_REPLY",
                    "replyPayload": "button-3-reply"

It is also possible to send message base in previously defined templates (also called templates), with addition of placeholders (“parameters”). The request body must follow the BASE JSON format. Message object must have a single template field:


Field Required Details Type
template Yes Template message content. Template


Field Required Details Type
namespace Yes Value that identifies the template registration account in Facebook String
elementName Yes Value that identifies the template register in Facebook String
languageCode Yes One of the languages defined in the template registration String
languagePolicy Yes The languagePolicy must contain one of two values, “DETERMINISTIC”, “FALLBACK”. If not provided, the default is “DETERMINISTIC”. String
header Yes (if this template needs it) Header objects with its parameters Header
bodyParameters Yes (if this template uses variables) The sum of all body characters, considering fixed and dynamic fields is limited to 1024 characters if the registered template has only the body.
It is limited to 160 characters if you have a Header or Footer.
buttons Yes (if this template needs it) The approved buttons of the Template Button[]
Field Required Details Type
parameters Optional List of parameters which will be replaced in the header text. Note: In the case it is present, the header should not have a title nor any element. String[]
title Optional The title must be up to 60 chars String
image Yes Field used in case you want to send an image content. Image
video Yes Field used in case you want to send a video content. Video
document Yes Field used in case you want to send a document file. Document
location Yes Field used in case you want to send a location. Location


Field Required Details Type
type yes The button type. Can be “URL”, “QUICK_REPLY” or “CALL”. String
url Required if the type is “URL” The url that will be called on click. String
replyPayload Required if type is “QUICK_REPLY” The payload which will be sent back when the user click in the button. String

Send Interactive Messages

Multi Product List Message Request Example

  "destinations": [
      "correlationId": "MyCorrelationId",
      "destination": "5519900001111"
  "message": {
    "interactive": {
      "messageInteractiveType": "PRODUCT_LIST",
      "header": {
        "text": "Sample text"
      "body": {
        "text": "Main message text"
      "footer": {
        "text": "Footer text"
      "productListAction": {
        "catalogId": "catalog-id",
        "sections": [
            "title": "Cakes",
            "productItems": [
                "productRetailerId": "product-1-SKU"
                "productRetailerId": "product-2-SKU"
            "title": "Juices",
            "productItems": [
                "productRetailerId": "product-3-SKU"
                "productRetailerId": "product-4-SKU"
      "alternativeText": "Simple message text"

Single Product Message Request Example

  "destinations": [
      "correlationId": "MyCorrelationId",
      "destination": "5519900001111"
  "message": {
    "interactive": {
      "messageInteractiveType": "PRODUCT_LIST",
      "body": {
        "text": "Main message text"
      "footer": {
        "text": "Footer text"
      "productListAction": {
        "catalogId": "catalog-id",
        "productRetailerId": "product-sku"
      "alternativeText": "Simple message text"

List Message Request Example

  "destinations": [
      "correlationId": "MyCorrelationId",
      "destination": "5519900001111"
  "message": {
    "interactive": {
      "messageInteractiveType": "LIST",
      "header": {
        "text": "Sample text"
      "body": {
        "text": "Main message text"
      "footer": {
        "text": "Footer text"
      "listAction": {
        "button": "button text",
        "sections": [
          "title": "Section One",
          "rows": [
              "identifier": "9ab8d65e-d389-4123-b97b-702e658cc9e4",
              "title": "August 7, 11:00",
              "description": "Saturday, August 7, 2021. 11:00AM"
              "identifier": "2051afef-e000-47d0-99a5-7d96c17968b2",
              "title": "August 7, 15:00",
              "description": "Saturday, August 7, 2021. 3:00PM"
              "identifier": "55baac93-a513-45d0-ad9e-2e2271861fc8",
              "title": "August 9, 11:00",
              "description": "Monday, August 9, 2021. 11:00AM"
              "identifier": "e2703f03-689c-4d1e-b0e9-4045d6687605",
              "title": "August 9, 15:00",
              "description": "Monday, August 9, 2021. 4:00PM"
      "alternativeText": "Simple message text"

ReplyButton Message Request Example

  "destinations": [
      "correlationId": "MyCorrelationId",
      "destination": "5519900001111"
  "message": {
    "interactive": {
      "messageInteractiveType": "REPLY_BUTTON",
      "header": {
        "text": "Sample text",
        "image": {
          "type": "JPG",
          "url": "https://...jpg"
        "video": {
          "type": "MP4",
          "url": "https://...mp4"
        "document": {
          "type": "PDF",
          "url": "https://...pdf"
        "location": {
          "geoPoint": "-22.894180,-47.047960",
          "name": "Wavy",
          "address": "Av. Cel. Silva Telles"
      "body": {
        "text": "Main message text"
      "footer": {
        "text": "Footer text"
      "replyButtonAction": {
        "buttons": [
          "reply": {
            "title": "Display Text 1",
            "payload": "callback_payload_1"
          "reply": {
            "title": "Display Text 2",
            "payload": "callback_payload_2"
      "alternativeText": "Simple message text"

To send messages using interactive features, we will also follow BASE JSON format. Message object must have a single interactive field:


Field Required Details Type
interactive Yes Field used to send an interactive message Interactive


Field Required Details Type
messageInteractiveType Yes Type of the Interactive Message. Available options: PRODUCT_LIST, LIST and REPLY_BUTTON String
header Required for Multi Product Messages. Denied for Single Product Messages. Optional for other types. Header content Header
body Yes, except for Single Product Messages Main text Body
footer No Footer text Footer
productListAction When the interactive type is PRODUCT_LIST Contains the interactive type parameters ProductListAction
listAction When the interactive type is LIST Contains the interactive type parameters ListAction
replyButtonAction When the interactive type is REPLY_BUTTON Contains the interactive type parameters ReplyButtonAction
alternativeText No Text which will be sent in case the destination does not support Interactive Message String
Field Details Type
text Header text. Max 60 chars. Allows emojis, not markdown (always bold) String
image Complex property for image specification Image
video Complex property for video specification Video
document Complex property for document specification Document
location Complex property for location specification Location
Field Required Details Type
text Yes Cannot be an empty String. Allows Emojis & markdown.

Body: Max 1024 chars, whitespace is trimmed.
Footer: Max 60 chars.

ProductListAction (For Single Product Messages)

Field Required Details Type
catalogId Yes The catalogId configured in Business Manager String
productRetailerId Yes The product id configured in Business Manager String

ProductListAction (For Multi Product Messages)

Field Required Details Type
catalogId Yes The catalogId configured in Business Manager String
sections Yes Array of at least one Section. Minimum of 1 and max of 10. Section[]


Field Required Details Type
title Yes Displayed section text. String
productItems Yes Array of at least one Product Item. Maximum of 30 products across all sections. ProductItem[]

Product Item

Field Required Details Type
productRetailerId Yes The product id configured in Business Manager String


Field Required Details Type
button Yes Button Content for message String
sections Yes Array of sections. There should be at least 1 section Section[]


Field Required Details Type
title Yes Section title that will be displayed for the user. Max 24 chars. It’s only required if you have more than one section String
rows Yes Array of rows. There should be at least 1 row and maximum of 10 rows across all sections Row[]


Field Required Details Type
identifier Yes Unique identifier of the row String
title Yes Row title content String
description No Row description content String


Field Required Details Type
buttons Yes Array of one, two or three Buttons Button[]


Field Required Details Type
reply Yes Button structure Reply


Field Required Details Type
title Yes Displayed button text. Max 20 chars String
payload Yes Extra information which is returned in the callback (as it already happens for Template buttons). Max 256 chars String

Common HTTP Status Code Response

Successful request response (200)


If successful, the response contains a list of recipients (“destinations”) with uuids generated from the application side.

Authentication error response (401)

  "errorCode": 401,
  "errorMessage": "Authentication Error: No user was found with this combination of username and authentication token."

If there is a problem in user authentication, the response shows the following error message.

Status Update Callback


  "total": 1,
  "data": [
      "id": "8995c40f-1c3a-48d0-98ee-bbc603622a91",
      "correlationId": "...",
      "destination": "5519900000000",
      "origin": "5519900000000",
      "campaignId": 100,
      "campaignAlias": "...",
      "flowId": "...",
      "extraInfo": "...",
      "sent": true,
      "sentStatusCode": 1,
      "sentStatus": "sent status",
      "sentDate": "2017-12-18T17:09:31.891Z",
      "sentAt": 1513616971891,
      "delivered": true,
      "deliveredStatusCode": 1,
      "deliveredStatus": "delivered status",
      "deliveredDate": "2017-12-18T17:09:31.891Z",
      "deliveredAt": 1513616971891,
      "read": true,
      "readDate": "2017-12-18T17:09:31.891Z",
      "readAt": 1513616971891,
      "updatedDate": "2017-12-18T17:09:31.891Z",
      "updatedAt": 1513616971891,
      "type": "MESSAGE",
      "conversation": {
        "id": "conversationId123",
        "origin": {
          "type": "REFERRAL_CONVERSION"
        "expiration": "2017-12-19T17:09:31.891Z"
  "clientInfo": {
      "customerId": 42,
      "subAccountId": 1291,
      "userId": 1

Each update on the status of sent messages (delivery confirmation to the end user, message reading, etc.), a callback/webhook is sent. Callbacks are sent in batch.

IMPORTANT: The endpoint in which the webhook will be sent must be previously configured with the support / operations team.

The format of this return will be according to the following description:

Field Details Type
total Number of callbacks in the call. String
data Callback list. Data[]
clientInfo Client Information ClientInfo


Field Details Type
id Last message id. String
correlationId A unique ID set by you to match with the message status (callback and DLR). This parameter is optional, and you can use the ID generated by ChatClub for this matching. String
destination Phone to which the message was sent (including country code). Example: 5511900000000. String
origin Phone that identifies the WhatsApp Account (including country code). Example: 5511900000000. String
campaignId Previously defined campaignID. String
campaignAlias Previously defined Campaign alias. String
extraInfo Extra information sent with the original message. String
sent Indicates whether the message was sent. Boolean
sentStatusCode Status code generated by the ChatClub for message indicating the sending status. Number
sentStatus Sent status description. Boolean
sentDate Date the message was sent. Format: yyyy-MM-dd’T'HH:mm:ssZ. String
sentAt Time when the message was sent, using Unix_time format Number
delivered Indicates whether the message was delivered to the destination. Boolean
deliveredStatusCode Status code generated by the ChatClub for message indicating the message was delivered. Number
deliveredStatus Delivery status description. String
deliveredDate Date the message was delivered. Format:: yyyy-MM-dd’T'HH:mm:ssZ String
deliveredAt Time when the message was delivered, using Unix_time format Number
read Indicates whether the message was read by the destination. Boolean
readDate Date the message was read. Format: yyyy-MM-dd’T'HH:mm:ssZ String
readAt Time when the message was read, using Unix_time format String
updatedDate Date the message status was updated. Format: yyyy-MM-dd’T'HH:mm:ssZ String
updatedAt Date when the message status was updated, using Unix_time format String
type The type of entity this status object is about. Currently, the only available option is “message”. String
conversation The conversation object, that contains in itself id, origin.type and expiration. This object related to the new billable model of whatsapp messages. See Whatsapp Conversation. Conversation

ClientInfo Op

Field Details Type
customerId Client identification. Number
subAccountId Subaccount identification. Number
userId User identification. Number


Status that can be sent in the callback:

Code Name Short Description Detailed Description
1 ROUTED_SUCCESS Routed Intermediate internal routing status. Messages are not persisted with this status, so we have no messages in reports with this status
2 SENT_SUCCESS Sent Message successfully sent to carrier or WhatsApp container.
3 CARRIER_ACCEPTED_SUCCESS Carrier Accepted Intermediate routing status on carrier. Messages are not persisted with this status, so we have no messages in reports with this status
4 DELIVERED_SUCCESS Delivered Message successfully delivered from carrier or WhatsApp container to recipient’s device.
5 READ_SUCCESS Message read Message opened and displayed to the user in the WhatsApp App. We don’t have this status in SMS.
101 EXPIRED Expired Message TTL expired.
102 CARRIER_COMMUNICATION_ERROR Carrier communication error Status indicating that we were having problems establishing communication with the operator or with the WhatsApp container and the message could not be sent.
103 REJECTED_BY_CARRIER Rejected by carrier Status indicating that the carrier or WhatsApp container rejected the message. It can be due to several reasons, such as a full queue at the operator, an invalid number for the operator, a WhatsApp template without the language or missing parameters. Or any other internal carrier or container error
104 NOT_DELIVERED Message not delivered Message successfully sent to carrier or WhatsApp container, but not delivered to user’s device. It could be because the user’s device is out of range; the number has been deactivated or blocked; for whatsapp it could be because the content (media) cannot be sent to the user or because the recipient cannot receive the message due to limits or spam.
105 WA_MO_MEDIA_UNRETRYABLE_EXCEPTION Retryable media error Status for WhatsApp MO that contains media. This status indicates that a media cannot be downloaded from the container and there is no need to retry.
106 WA_MO_MEDIA_RETRYABLE_EXCEPTION Not retryable media error Status for WhatsApp MO that contains media. This status indicates that a media cannot be downloaded from the container, but it is possible to retry.
107 WA_MO_MEDIA_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION Media message unknown error Status for WhatsApp MO that contains media. This status indicates that a media cannot be downloaded from the container and the error is unknown.
108 WA_MO_MEDIA_MESSAGE_WITHOUT_FILE_ID_EXCEPTION Media message without content Media cannot be properly processed when sent to Felix, due to its empty content.
109 WA_MT_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION Unknown error (MT) MT Error Status, indicates that an error occurred not related to the message content itself, such as connection timeout, connection interrupted, internal error or error with ssl authentication.
110 WA_DATABASE_ERROR Error with WhatsApp container’s database Indicates that an error occurred with the container database (WhatsApp)
111 WA_MT_BLOCKED_BY_SPAM_RATE_LIMIT Blocked for exceeding the amount of shipments (MT) Blocking when many identical messages are sent more than once to a certain user, then the container is blocked and the messages are not sent.
112 WA_MT_DESTINATION_INCAPABLE Recipient unable to receive messages (MT) Recipient of the message does not have a more up-to-date version of WhatsApp or, for some other reason, cannot receive the sent message
201 NO_CREDIT No credit Credit check is done at time of shipping request. So we don’t have this status on persisted messages. I believe this status is only used in B2C for shortcodes that are billed, so the message can be declined if the user doesn’t have credit.
202 INVALID_DESTINATION_NUMBER Invalid destination number Recipient number is invalid and the message will not be sent to carrier or WhatsApp container
203 BLACKLISTED Destination in blocklist The customer has added the number to the blocklist and the message will not be sent to the carrier or WhatsApp container
204 DESTINATION_BLOCKED_BY_OPTOUT Destination in optOut The user sent the “exit” command and was added to the opt-out list. The message will not be sent.
205 DESTINATION_MESSAGE_LIMIT_REACHED Message limit reached Indicates that the container is overloaded and cannot receive any more messages.
207 INVALID_MESSAGE_TEXT Message text is invalid Template submissions that are not enabled in the customer’s account. Or even invalid parameters for the message. We have no forbidden words for WhatsApp.
209 INVALID_CONTENT Invalid message content Indicates that some message parameter is invalid or missing.
210 INVALID_SESSION Invalid session Indicates that an attempt was made to send a text or media without the session having been opened by an MO. Only Templates are allowed with the session closed.
211 DESTINATION_BLOCKED_BY_OPT_IN Destination blocked by optIn The number is not on the opt-in list and therefore the message will not be sent.
212 DESTINATION_BLOCKED_BY_WHITELIST Destination blocked by allowlist The number is not on the list of allowed numbers and therefore the message will not be sent.
215 CUSTOMER_QUOTA_BLOCKED Client blocked by quota limit Status that indicates that the client has reached his quota (monthly/daily) for sending messages and therefore the message will not be sent.
216 MESSAGE_BLOCKED_BY_WARM_UP Message blocked by WarmUp feature Status for WhatsApp clients that are performing container warm-up. The message stays in this status when the container has already reached the allowed limit of messages for the current tier.
217 WA_MT_MEDIA_EXCEPTION Error in media content (MT) MT status for media messages, where due to an error in the template, the size of the media or the template exceeded the supported limit, the media format was not supported or the media could not be found and was considered invalid.
218 WA_NO_PRODUCTS_FOUND Product not found The request tried to search for a product that is not registered in the system. If it’s a Product List Message, it means that the catalog or the product does not exist in the Business Manager.
219 INVALID_PARAMETER_OR_CONTACT Invalid parameter or contact/destination Indicates that some message parameter is invalid or missing, or that the contact/recipient is invalid/does not have WhatsApp.
301 INTERNAL_ERROR Internal error Status indicating that there was some internal error on our platforms and the message could not be processed and sent.
302 WA_MO_UNKWNOWN_EXCEPTION Unknown error (MO) Status for WhatsApp MO. This status indicates that an unknown error occurred while processing the MO.
303 WA_BUSINESS_PAYMENT_ISSUE Business payment issue Status indicates that a problem occurred during the payment of the transaction, which can be caused by both internal and external errors. The message will not be sent to the user.

MO (messages sent by the end user to the Whatsapp Account)

Text Message example:

  "total": 1,
  "data": [
      "id": "ce425ffe-bc62-421f-9261-e6819a5eab43",
      "source": "5519900000000",
      "origin": "5519900000000",
      "userProfile": {
        "name": "name of the user"
      "campaignId": 100,
      "correlationId": "...",
      "campaignAlias": "...",
      "flowId": "....",
      "extraInfo": "...",
      "message": {
        "type": "TEXT",
        "messageText": "Hi, this is a message from the user"
      "receivedAt": 1513616971473,
      "receivedDate": "2017-12-18T17:09:31.473Z"

Extra Info example:

         "name":"Wavy WhatsApp Segmentation List",
         "name":"Wavy WhatsApp Segmentation List 2",

Media Message example

  "total": 1,
  "data": [
      "id": "ce425ffe-bc62-421f-9261-e6819a5eab43",
      "source": "5519900000000",
      "origin": "5519900000000",      
      "userProfile": {
        "name": "name of the user"
      "campaignId": 100,
      "flowId": "....",
      "extraInfo": "...",
      "message": {
            "type": "IMAGE",
           "mediaUrl": "https://...",
           "mimeType": "image/jpg",
           "caption": "..."
      "receivedAt": 1513616971473,
      "receivedDate": "2017-12-18T17:09:31.473Z"

Location message example:

  "total": 1,
  "data": [
      "id": "ce425ffe-bc62-421f-9261-e6819a5eab43",
      "source": "5519900000000",
      "origin": "5519900000000",      
      "userProfile": {
        "name": "name of the user"
      "campaignId": 100,
      "correlationId": "...",
      "campaignAlias": "...",
      "flowId": "....",
      "extraInfo": "...",
      "message": {
           "location": {
               "geoPoint": "-22.894180,-47.047960",
               "name": "Wavy",
               "address": "Av. Cel. Silva Telles"
      "receivedAt": 1513616971473,
      "receivedDate": "2017-12-18T17:09:31.473Z"

Contacts message example:

  "total": 1,
  "data": [
      "id": "ce425ffe-bc62-421f-9261-e6819a5eab43",
      "source": "5519900000000",
      "origin": "5519900000000",      
      "userProfile": {
        "name": "name of the user"
      "campaignId": 100,
      "correlationId": "...",
      "campaignAlias": "...",
      "flowId": "....",
      "extraInfo": "...",
      "message": {
                          "city":"Menlo Park",
                          "country":"United States",
                          "street":"1 Hacker Way",
                          "city":"Menlo Park",
                          "country":"United States",
                          "street":"200 Jefferson Dr",
                       "formatted_name":"John Smith",
                          "phone":"+1 (940) 555-1234",
                          "phone":"+1 (650) 555-1234",
      "receivedAt": 1513616971473,
      "receivedDate": "2017-12-18T17:09:31.473Z"

Text message with referral exemple:

  "total": 1,
  "data": [
      "id": "ce425ffe-bc62-421f-9261-e6819a5eab43",
      "source": "5519900000000",
      "origin": "5519900000000",
      "userProfile": {
        "name": "name of the user"
      "campaignId": 100,
      "correlationId": "...",
      "campaignAlias": "...",
      "flowId": "....",
      "extraInfo": "...",
      "referral": {
        "headLine": "...",
        "body": "...",
        "sourceType": "...",
        "sourceId": "...",
        "sourceUrl": "...",
        "mediaType": "...",
        "mediaUrl": "..."
      "mtSentAt": 1513616971473,
      "message": {
        "type": "TEXT",
        "messageText": "Hi, this is a message from the user"
      "receivedAt": 1513616971473,
      "receivedDate": "2017-12-18T17:09:31.473Z"

At each end-user response (MO or Mobile Originated) a callback/webhook is sent. These MOs are sent in batch.

IMPORTANT: The endpoint in which the webhook will be sent must be previously configured with the support / operations team.

The format of this return will be according to the following description:


Field Details Type
total Number of callbacks in the request Long
data List of Mobile Originated messages Data[]
clientInfo Information of who the message is for ClientInfo


Field Details Type
id Last message identification String
source ID of the sender String
origin Phone that identifies the WhatsApp Account (including country code). Example: 5511900000000 String
userProfile Profile of the user who sent the message UserProfile
correlationId A unique ID set by you to match with the message status (callback and DLR). Optional as you can use the ID generated by Wavy String
campaignId Previously defined campaign ID String
campaignAlias Previously defined campaign alias String
message MO message Message
receivedDate Date when the message was received.
Format: yyyy-MM-dd’T'HH:mm:ssZ
receivedAt Date when the message was received, using Unix_time format Long
extraInfo Extra information related to the message. Format: Json String
referral Present if the message was initiated by the user clicking in a post or ad. Contains information related to the ad. This field is optional (can be null). Referral
mtSentAt The timestamp when the last MT was sent to this recipient. Long
session Session information Session

MO Flow Control - Segmentation Lists

The message will have a list of segmentation lists in the extraInfo field. Our partners use it to redirect the messages through certain flows. The key’s name is segmentation_lists, and it contains a list of SegmentationList.

Field Details Type
id Segmentation list identifier Integer
customerId Customer identifier Integer
subAccountId SubAccount identifier Integer
name Segmentation list name String
active Segmentation list status Boolean


All fields in this object are optional (can be null).

Field Details Type
headLine Headline in the ad that generated the message. String
body Body of the ad. String
sourceType Type of the ad. Can either be “ad”, “post” or “unknown”. String
sourceId Ad id in Facebook. String
sourceUrl Ad url. String
mediaType Ad media type. Can either be “image” or “post”. String
mediaUrl Ad media url. String


Field Details Type
name User’s name specified in WhatsApp String
whatsAppId User’s phone number String


Field Details Type
sessionId Session’s Id for this user String
createdAt Session’s creation timestamp Long


Field Details Type
type Type of message sent by the end user: TEXT - IMAGE - AUDIO - VIDEO - DOCUMENT - STICKER - BUTTON - ORDER - LIST String
messageText The text message (MO) sent by the end user. For list replies, it is equal to the rowTitle. String
mediaUrl Url to download the media sent by the end user. String
mimeType Mime type of the file sent by the end user. String
caption Media label sent by end user. String
location Location sent by end user. Location
contacts Contact(s) sent by end user. Contact[]
receivedInteractive The received interactive fields. ReceivedInteractive


Field Details Type
order The order object with the products information (PRODUCT_LIST) Order
listReply Reply for list sent by the user. (LIST) ListReply
payload Text defined when sending buttons (REPLY_BUTTON) String


Field Details Type
catalogId The catalogId configured in Business Manager String
productItems Array of ProductItem. ProductItem[]

Product Item

Field Details Type
productRetailerId Unique identifier (in the catalog) of the product String
quantity Number of items purchased String
itemPrice Unitary price of the items String
currency Currency of the price String


Field Details Type
rowIdentifier Row identifier sending on original message to user String
rowTitle Row title sending on original message to user String


Field Details Type
customerId CustomerId which the message is for Long
subAccountId SubAccountId which the message is for Long
userId UserId which the message is for Long


Detalhes de conexão

Port 2222
Protocol SFTP (transfer over ssh, providing client-server encryption)
Authentication username + password (supplied by our tech support)

Sending messages through SFTP

Template messages through SFTP

Media Template:

2020-01-21;16:00;16:00;TEMPLATE;chatclub_welcome;whatsapp:hsm:ecommerce:movile;pt_BR;DETERMINISTIC;name|company IMAGE;URL;;PNG

1st Line
Send Date (for scheduling cases)
Initial sending time (for scheduling cases)
Final sending time (for scheduling cases)
Message type should be: TEMPLATE
Name (elementName) of Template
Namespace (namespace) of Template
Language (languageCode) of Template
Deterministic or Fallback of the language of Template (languagePolicy)
Name of Template parameters

Observations for the first line:

1 - The Template parameters name must be in the file columns or will be considered as constant values

2 - The information that won’t be used can be blank, but you must keep the semicolon as separation. For instance, a case that we don’t use the scheduling (initial fields are between semicolons and no information inside): ; ; ; TEMPLATE;chatclub_welcome;whatsapp:hsm:ecommerce:movile;pt_BR;DETERMINISTIC;name|company

3 - By default the languagePolicy will be Deterministic.

4 - The Template parameters name should be split by “ | ” and not by “ ; ”

2nd Line Examples
Header type supported by the Template IMAGE, AUDIO, VIDEO or DOCUMENT
Media source type URL or PATH (media directory from the FTP server)
Media Url or FTP server directory
Media type JPEG, PNG, JPG, PDF, DOC, MP4, MP3

Second line observation:

1 - The media type must be a type acceptable by WhatsApp.

Media Supported Content-Types
document Any valid MIME-type
image image/jpeg, image/png
audio audio/aac, audio/mp4, audio/amr, audio/mpeg, audio/ogg; codecs=opus
video video/mp4, video/3gpp. Note: Only H.264 video codec and AAC audio codec is supported.
3rd Lines
Column names
4th and further lines:
Recipient and parameter values of Template

Customized Templates for each recipient:

For customized send, as well as different medias for each recipient, contact our technical support team to configure and give more details about this feature.

Consulting open sessions via API


To consult open sessions via our API, you need to do GET request to the following address:


Passing the parameter customerId is mandatory, while subAccountId is optional.

Attention: Be careful to replace ‘{’ and ‘}’ too. For example, “={customerId}” becomes “=42”.

You will also need to use the following headers:

Header Value
Content-Type application/json
authenticationToken Messaging1 authentication token
userName Messaging1 username


On success, if there are open sessions for the specified customerId and subAccountId, the request will return a JSON with the attribute:

Field Value
file_url Link to download a file of type csv containing the fields “source” and “session_created_at” of all the found destinations

If there is no data associated with customerId and subAccountId, the returned file is empty, with only the header.

Response example:

    "file_url": ""


How does the webhook work?

When we do a dispatch from our platform, we will receive some information back. This information can be shared with our clients and redirected to other attendance channels to take further actions.

For example, we can do a Template dispatch from our platform and, in case our client responds with a MO, we can send the information to an attendance webhook, which will start a human conversation between the attendant and the user.

How to configure my webhook?

Currently, to configure your webhook, you need to just open a ticket through our portal to our Customer Service team:, which will help with the configuration.

Technical Information

It is important this webhook have an HTTPS connection, because this connection is the most secure way of transferring data in the internet.

WhatsApp Lists via API

Technical Documentation: WhatsApp Lists via API

Consulting lists via API


API - Possible list request types:


It is required to make a GET request to the URL{listType}?customerId={customerId}&subAccountId={subAccountId}.

List Type Value passed in List Type
Whatsapp Opt Out List OPTOUT
Whatsapp Opt In List OPTIN
Whatsapp Blacklist BLACKLIST
Whatsapp Whitelist (MT) WHITELIST

The parameter customerId is required, while subAccountId is optional. It is also required to pass the following headers:

Header Key Header Value
Content-Type application/json
authenticationToken Token do Messaging1
userName Nome de usuário do Messaging1


In case of success, if there is data related to the customerId and the subAccountId (if specified), a request will have as response a JSON with 3 attributes:

Attribute Name Attribute Value
success true
status 200
data Link to download the file of type csv containing the fields “source” and “createdAt” from all the found destinations

In case there are no related data, it will only be returned a similar JSON, but without the field data, which means that there were not problems with the request, but there was no data related with the request parameters passed.

WhatsApp Opt Out


The Opt Out is a way of allowing ours users to inform that they want to leave the conversation. If they inform that, we prevent them from receiving messages from the business.

Opt Out Mechanism

Currently, our Opt Out respects the following rules:

WhatsApp Opt Out Event Notification

Each opt out will trigger a notification webhook with the event information.

IMPORTANT: The endpoint in which the webhook will be sent must be previously configured with the support / operations team.

The format of this return will be according to the following description:


  "total": 1,
  "data": [
      "id": "8995c40f-1c3a-48d0-98ee-bbc603622a91",
      "correlationId": "...",
      "destination": "5519900000000",
      "origin": "5519900000000",
      "campaignId": 100,
      "campaignAlias": "...",
      "extraInfo": "...",
      "conversation": {
        "id": "conversationId123",
        "origin": {
          "type": "REFERRAL_CONVERSION"
        "expiration": "2017-12-19T17:09:31.891Z"
      "eventType": "OPT_OUT",
      "eventDate": "2023-03-22T17:21:38.000Z"
  "clientInfo": {
      "customerId": 42,
      "subAccountId": 1291,
      "userId": 1
Field Details Type
total Number of callbacks in the call. String
data Callback list. Data[]
clientInfo Client Information ClientInfo


Field Details Type
id Last message id. String
correlationId A unique ID set by you to match with the message callbacks. Same id sent in the MT that matched the MO which generated the opt out event. String
destination Phone to which the message was sent (including country code). Example: 5511900000000. String
origin Phone that identifies the WhatsApp Account (including country code). Example: 5511900000000. String
campaignId Previously defined campaignID. String
campaignAlias Previously defined Campaign alias. String
extraInfo Extra information sent with the original message. String
conversation The conversation object, that contains in itself id, origin.type and expiration. This object related to the new billable model of whatsapp messages. See Whatsapp Conversation. Conversation
eventType Indicates the opt out event type. Can assume either ‘OPT_OUT’ or ‘EXIT_OPT_OUT’. If the value is ‘OPT_OUT’ then the user entered opt out else if value is ‘EXIT_OPT_OUT’ user exited optout. String
eventDate Date when the opt out event occurred. Format: yyyy-MM-dd’T'HH:mm:ssZ String


Field Details Type
customerId Client identification. Number
subAccountId SubAccount identification. Number
userId User identification. Number

WhatsApp Conversation


The Conversation Object is related to the Whatsapp’s messages new way of billing. A conversation can be started whenever a message by a business account is delivered, and it will last for a period of 24 hours. The Conversation Object has 3 attributes, which can be visualized by reports, metrics and callbacks. In our platform we use the following object structure:


Field Name Type Details String An id it’s created whenever a conversation starts.
conversation.origin ConversationOrigin The conversation origin object refers to where the conversation has originated from.
conversation.expiration Timestamp Indicates when the ongoing conversation expires, which will follow the rule of 24 hours after the conversation it’s started.


Field Name Type Details
conversationOrigin.type ConversationOriginType The origin type enum, refers exactly to the types of origins a conversation can have.


Field Name Details
BUSINESS_INITIATED When a business account sends the first message to the user.
USER_INITIATED Indicates that the conversation started by a business account replying to an user message
REFERRAL_CONVERSION Conversation originated from a free entry point, which is when a user messages the business using call-to-actions buttons.

See Whatsapp’s conversation object and conversation-based pricing official documentation.

Campaigns API

This document provides the information needed to integrate with the ChatClub platform to perform campaign management. The API has REST integration, using HTTP protocol with TLS, supporting the POST methods with the parameters sent in JSON format.


To successfully use our API, you must provide a valid username (email) associated with an authentication token. You must add the following headers to the request:

Field Details Data Type
userName Valid e-mail subscribed in ChatClub Platform String
authenticationToken Authentication token generated by our platform. Find it here or check our support. String

Campaign Connection details

Port 443 (https)
Protocol HTTPS (TLS encryption)
Authorization username + token
Encoding UTF-8

Listing campaigns

Listing campaigns example

curl -X GET \
 '' \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 -H 'authenticationToken: <authentication_token>' \
 -H 'userName: <e-mail>'


page-number: 1
per-page: 10
total: 2
total-pages: 1
    "status": {
        "error": false
    "campaigns": [
            "name": "My first campaign",
            "id": 1,
            "alias": "first"
            "name": "My second campaign",
            "id": 2,
            "alias": "second"

List of campaigns already registered in the platform. You can page results or filter by campaign name. GET

QueryString parameters

* Requeried fields

Field Details Data type
name Campaign’s name to be used as a filter String
page Requested page to be listed Integer
page_size Records per page Integer

Requesting for a specific campaign

Requesting specific campaign example

curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'authenticationToken: <authentication_token>' \
  -H 'userName: <e-mail>'


    "status": {
        "error": false
    "campaign": {
        "name": "My Campaign",
        "id": 1234,
        "alias": "mycampaign"

Requesting a specific campaign by id


Creating campaigns

Creating campaign example:

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'authenticationToken: <authentication_token>' \
  -H 'userName: <e-mail>' \
  -d '{
        "campaign" : {
          "name": "My Campaign",
          "alias": "mycampaign"


    "status": {
        "error": false
    "campaign": {
        "name": "My Campaign",
        "id": 1234,
        "alias": "mycampaign"

Create a new campaign with name and alias. The campaign alias should be a simple name to make it easier to use with the API. It is recommended to be short and do not use special characters.


JSON Object

* Required fields

Field Details Data type
name* Campaign name String
alias Campaign identifier. To be used when send messages. String

Changing campaigns

Changing campaign example:

curl -X PUT \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'authenticationToken: <authentication_token>' \
  -H 'userName: <e-mail>' \
  -d '{
        "campaign" : {
          "name": "My Campaign",
          "alias": "mycampaign"


    "status": {
        "error": false
    "campaign": {
        "name": "My Campaign",
        "id": 1234,
        "alias": "mycampaign"

Change a campaign by modifying the name and / or alias.


JSON Object

* Required fields

Field Details Data type
name* Campaign name String
alias Campaign identifier. To be used when send messages. String

Deleting campaigns

Deleting campaign example:

curl -X DELETE \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'authenticationToken: <authentication_token>' \
  -H 'userName: <e-mail>'


    "status": {
        "error": false
    "campaign": {
        "name": "My Campaign",
        "id": 1234,
        "alias": "mycampaign"

Deleting a campaign by id



Tickets You can open a support request through our Service Center